Some relationships ends on mutual terms, with both parties departing and being content never to look back. But in most cases there is also one side left screaming “I want my ex back!” when it’s all over.
But don’t worry, because if you’re the one shouting “I want my ex back!”, then there is hope and in this article we’ll tell you exactly what you need to know to get them back.
Keep reading to learn more.
End shouts of “I want my ex back” thanks to this video, compiled by expert with years of experience and a deep understanding of psychological techniques. CLICK HERE
Make Your Ex Jealous Of You
Want to know how to get back with your ex and how to make them miss you? Simply make them jealous.
This is one of the most effective things you can do, silencing your screams of “I want my ex back!” and giving you exactly what you want.
What’s more, there are many ways that you can make them jealous.
Want to know how you can use this jealously to make them miss you? Here’s the deal:
- Be Confident: Confidence leads to a lot of positive changes, which in turn lead to you being a better person. When that happens and your ex sees it, they will feel jealous and will begin to miss you.
- Find Someone Else: Stop telling yourself I want my ex back, and start playing the field again. Seeing you with someone else, even if it’s just a worthless fling, may stir-up feelings of regret in your ex and will make them miss you.
- Improve Your Body: Workout, give yourself a makeover and make your ex jealous of anyone out there that can still have you.
- Have Fun: If you ex sees you out having fun and enjoying life, and not stuck in the house being miserable, then they’ll think the breakup didn’t effect you and will be jealous, because even if they broke up with you, it will still have a huge impact on their life.
Still have some questions about how to go about getting your ex back? This video, which combines cutting-edge psychology with proven techniques, should help. CLICK HERE
Give Them Time To Miss You
As you keep repeating the words “I want my ex back” to yourself, your ex is probably telling themselves that they are happy you’re gone.
It’s hard to hear, but it’s probably true. Or at least, it is true for the first few weeks.
You see, regardless of how the relationship ended, if they were the one to end it, then for the first few days and even weeks, they will be doing everything they can to convince themselves that they made the right decision, that they can do better and that you’re worthless.
This is a self-defense mechanism, and it’s something that we all do, something that is not unique to you ex.
This is exaggerated even further if you cheated on them or did something to make them leave you, in which case you can add feelings of anger and contempt to the mix.
There are ways around this though. Keep reading to discover what these are:
- No Contact Rule: The NC rule states that you should not contact your ex during the first couple of weeks, and that you should wait up to 30 days if they are angry or are an emotional person. This gives them time to calm down.
- Cosy Up To Their Friends: Their friends will want to provide support and let them know they did the right thing, and in the process they will trash you and your good name. But if you are nice to them and friendly with them, they will be less inclined to do so.
- Stay Close To Their Family: As with the friends, your ex’s family will be there to trash talk you, but they also want the best for their family member and if they believe you were good for your ex, they will support you. So, let them think you were the perfect partner and that your ex is the bad guy/girl in this situation.
What Are The Benefits To This?
So, what has this got to do with the question of how to get back with your ex and how to make them miss you?
Well, not only are you doing all that you can to reduce the feelings of anger that they have for you. When those feelings dissipate, they will be replaced by genuine memories.
It’s natural for them to only think of the bad times and the bad aspects of your personality when they are angry. When that fades, they will focus on the good memories and the good aspects of your personality.
This means that, in time, they will come to miss you and they too will be telling themselves “I want my ex back”.
Remind Them Of The Good Times
You no doubt shared some good times with your ex, times that you enjoyed and times that they enjoyed (and if not, then you need to ask yourself if this relationship is worth salvaging).
Your ex will not remember those times now and will do all they can to block them out in the future. Once they calm down, you should look to trigger their memories of these times.
Doing so will remind them of how much fun they had with you, but more importantly it will help to restore the love that they once felt for you.
So, do what you can to remind them of these times.
This is what you need to do:
- Send them gifts and mementoes, telling them you thought they would want to keep these.
- Ask friends to like, tag or comment on old holiday snaps, which will push these pictures to the top of your ex’s Facebook feed.
- Casually mention the good times in a message or an email, without being too obvious about it.
- If you own anything of theirs that they want back, then give it to them, but include photographs, gifts and anything else that will remind them of any good times you shared.
Stop saying I want my ex back and do something about it. If this article doesn’t help, then this video almost certainly will. CLICK HERE
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